“You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
Acts 1:8
Mission Teams at NorthPark focus on ministry and evangelism in our immediate community, as well as in our state, our country, and around the world. Their purpose is to connect people with various mission opportunities, whether ongoing, short-term, or long-term.
Through our Mission Teams, we long to lead others to embrace a habit of living sent for the Gospel of Christ and His Great Commission. In accomplishing this, we seek to partner all our mission teams with the local church, so that they can assist in creating a culture of disciple-making.
Contact Info: If you have questions or would like information on joining a NorthPark Mission Team, email Ryan Christmas at ryan@nponline.org. Click the Botton below to see our upcoming mission trip opportunities.
Through our Mission Teams, we long to lead others to embrace a habit of living sent for the Gospel of Christ and His Great Commission. In accomplishing this, we seek to partner all our mission teams with the local church, so that they can assist in creating a culture of disciple-making.
Contact Info: If you have questions or would like information on joining a NorthPark Mission Team, email Ryan Christmas at ryan@nponline.org. Click the Botton below to see our upcoming mission trip opportunities.
Current Mission Partners
Community (in our immediate area)
Community mission partners

Local Schools
NorthPark highly values the schools in our community and we love getting to partner with them. This includes meals for teachers, participating in student organizations, serving as the chaplain for local sports teams, and more!

D-Life Ministry Projects
Each of our d-groups seeks to do six ministry projects a year. These projects represent a big variety of different ways to serve the kingdom, all while sharing the good news of the gospel!

ESL English Classes
We offer free English classes and English conversation practice for adult English learners. These classes meet weekly as part of our regular Wednesday night activities.
Local (in our state)
Local mission partners

Serving You Ministries
Serving You Ministries was founded out of NorthPark several years ago. We partner with them to provide hope to families in the greater Birmingham area through many different ways. Find out more about Serving You here.

Foster Care Support
Each year, NorthPark hosts a foster care training class through Lifeline Children's Services. In addition to this we help sponsor and host a foster care support group. You can find out more about Lifeline here.

Positive Choices
Positive Choices provides both free and low-cost medical, educational, and support services to women and men facing an unplanned pregnancy. Find out more about Positive Choices here.

Big Oak Ranch
At Big Oak Ranch, children find hope. They find a loving, Christian home — often for the first time. They find a chance to live out God’s plan for their lives. You can find out more about the Big Oak Ranch here.

The Alabama Baptist
The Alabama Baptist has its readers’ Christian walk in mind, seeking to empower them to live out discipleship in their personal, professional, and church lives. Find out more about The Alabama Baptist here.

Unforsaken Ministries
Unforsaken ministry strives to build relationships with those in active addiction and their loved ones. Their mission is to offer hope for recovery from addiction, restore families, and transform lives. You can find out more about Unforsaken Ministry here.

International Christian Network
International Christian Network (ICN), is an online membership-based ministry technology platform built specifically for Christ-followers and their families. Find out more about the International Christian Network here.
Birmingham Metro Baptist Association
Birmingham Metro Baptist Association is a voluntary, cooperative effort of 180 local churches working together to serve our city through local mission projects that can go beyond our individual efforts.

Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions
The Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions seeks to serve you as you serve others. They provide training, events, and other resources to help equip you in your ministry.
National (in our country)
National mission partners

GO Tour
Every year, our students serve the Lord by serving the people of a city in the southeast US. We seek to meet the needs of people and share the good news of Jesus Christ wherever the Lord leads!

Builders for Christ
Builders for Christ is an organized group of churches that come together every summer to do mission work constructing church facilities for existing Christian congregations. Find out more about them here.

Vermont Church Plant
Trey and Robyn Cates (and their family) were church-planting missionaries to Vermont from 2006-2015. Currently, the Cates serve at Faith Community Church in Barre, VT, and are planting again in Williamstown, VT.

Sports Reach
Sports Reach gives athletes and coaches opportunities to use the skillset they’ve been given and make an impact that matters.

North American Mission Board
The Church is God’s plan—you are God’s plan—to reach North America and the nations with the hope of the gospel, and the North American Mission Board exists to help.
Global (in our world)
Global mission partners
Mega Missions
We partner with Mega Missions to build a church in a remote part of Ciudad Victoria, Mexico. Mega Missions has built over 130 churches in Victoria, and done other meaningful work in the community.

Esperanza Viva
This is a church in Mexico that is led by one of our former staff members. Over the last few years, we've partnered with them to build a building, host community events, and more!

Kingdom Acts
Kingdom Acts seeks to serve remote villages in Ecuador by providing for the physical needs of the villagers and sharing the gospel as they go. We've partnered with them to participate in church building, shoe distribution to kids, passing out candy bags, and more!

Designs for Hope
To design and deliver innovative solutions to the physical and spiritual needs of disciple makers, which empowers them to ignite their communities with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Not Forsaken Ministries
Not Forsaken Ministries partners with pastors and ministry partners, primarily in unreached people groups in India. They work to bring the gospel to those who have never heard the good news of Jesus Christ.

Philippines Church Planters
We partner with church planters in the Philippines through a partnership with International Baptist Church in Manila. They work to bring the gospel to those who have never heard the good news of Jesus Christ.

Compassion International
Compassion is a child development ministry dedicated to releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name. Through sponsorships and donations, they empower local churches to provide individualized and holistic care to children in poverty so they are free to learn, grow, play, and dream.

International Mission Board
The IMB partners with churches to empower limitless missionary teams who are making disciples and multiplying churches among unreached peoples and places for the glory of God.
Ministry & Missions Interest Survey
If you are interested in serving, please use the button below and take a moment to complete our"Ministry and Missions Interest Survey."